Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Weather Announcements

Around North Dakota the past week there has been one topic on every station: The Flood. While listening to the radio at work yesterday, every other normal broadcast was taken off air and there were more than three hours straight of weather related announcements on the air having to do with the flood that is taking over our state.

We have all had our favorite song on the radio cut off by the sudden, scary, buzzing sound that comes before an emergency weather announcement. I have been hearing a few lately. Last night on the television my friends and I even witnessed something none of us had ever seen. Instead of a ribbon at the bottom of the screen flashing a flood warning; every channel went pinkish purple for about two minutes making an annoying siren noise, and flashing a message across the whole screen. You’d think it was the end of the world.

The radio has been full of announcements relating to everything to do with the flood. The announcements range from everything from school and community cancellations, closing of roads, and evacuation of homes and entire streets. Along with the sirens going off every few hours here in Valley City, along with the teams of sandbaggers from the community and college, it seems like we are preparing for the movie The Day After Tomorrow.

Schools and colleges around the state have been canceled for the past few days, both because of the weather as well as in hopes of recruiting sandbaggers. My friends and I are preparing to go ourselves in a while . . . I encourage everyone to go out and help! I was too young to help during the flood of ’97, so I am glad that I am of age and able to help this year. Good luck to all North Dakotans with the fight against the flood. Stay dry!

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Biggest Jerk in Radio

After sitting through a movie in media class today, I have decided to blog about a radio personality mentioned in the movie.

Howard Stern. I don’t know what comes to your mind when you hear his name; but personally my stomach lurches and I have to hold back vomit.

I had the less than fortunate experience of witnessing one of his “shows” on television a few years ago while hanging out with some of my male friends. Needless to say, I couldn’t believe what I saw. A: I could not believe the way he spoke to his guests (usually females), and B: I couldn’t believe that women would willingly go on his show and allow him to speak like that.

I could care less about this guy, so I really don’t know much about him. After Googling him, disturbingly enough I discovered he is married! SERIOUSLY, what woman would want to MARRY Howard Stern?!

I could not believe it. Apparently Stern and his long-term girlfriend got married in October of 2008. I did a little more research on Stern’s marriage and I found the romantic story of how he proposed to his girlfriend . . .
"Do you want your Valentine's Day gift now?" MTV.com reports Stern said on the air Wednesday, re-enacting his proposal for his listeners. When Ostrosky said she wanted it, Stern says he ordered her to strip down – despite her protests that she was too "fat" to do that. After she said that, Stern says he thought, "Any girl who looks like that and thinks she's fat – I've got a chance with her." Once naked, Ostrosky was given a 5.2 carat diamond ring. "I love you. You're everything to me," Stern said he told her. "This is so gay. ... I'm asking you to spend the rest of your life with me."


After a little more research, I discovered something even more disturbing. This wasn’t Howard Stern’s first marriage. He had been married before to his first wife for 20 years!

I don’t know what is more upsetting; knowing a man who is famous for behavior like this, or knowing that not only there are women out there who are big enough masochists that they want to be guests on his show, but that there are women who want to marry this pig.

I can’t believe I spent the last hour Googling Howard Stern. I feel like I need to go to church immediately, and maybe pray the rosary.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

America says Goodbye to Paul Harvey

Radio broadcasting icon Paul Harvey died on Saturday in Arizona at the age of 90. Within the past year, he had been hosting his radio shows part-time after recovering from various physical ailments as well as the death of his wife, Lynne "Angel" Harvey, in May 2008. It was reported that Harvey passed away in a Phoenix hospital surrounded by his family.

Harvey was an icon in the radio world. Week after week over 25 million people “stand by” to listen to Harvey’s popular show. Paul Harvey is the most listened-to radeio personality in America, the number one personality in network radio, and his broadcasts rank among the top ten of radio network programs.

Paul Harvey literally grew up in newsrooms. Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, he made his own radio sets while still a boy. While in high school, he frequented KVOO radio until the manager finally decided to hire him. His contributions to broadcasting and communications took him around the world and brought him full circle back to Oklahoma for induction into The Hall of Fame.

Many people have made statements this past week in regards to the late radio icon. Former president Bush, president of ABC radio networks Jim Robinson, and Harvey’s son, were to name a few. Harvey’s son Paul Harvey Jr. said, "My father and mother created from thin air what one day became radio and television news. So in the past year, an industry has lost its godparents and today millions have lost a friend."

Harvey is well known for his dramatic pauses, quirky intonations and his folksiness in his broadcasts.. He explained his enthusiastic support of his sponsors: "I am fiercely loyal to those willing to put their money where my mouth is."

America said goodbye to the Grandfather of Radio this week, he will be missed and radio will never be the same.